Are Baby Carriers Safe for Newborns?
Baby carriers are awesome. They let you cuddle with your little one, keep them close to your heart, and get things done at the same time. Plus, they can make nursing easier and more discreet. But you may have some questions about how to do it safely and comfortably if you are new to baby-wearing. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here are some tips on how to choose and use a baby carrier that works for you and your newborn.

How to use a baby carrier safely?
Here are some tips on how to use a baby carrier safely:
- Read the instructions carefully and follow them exactly.
- Practice putting on and taking off the carrier with a doll before using it with your baby.
- Adjust it to fit your body and your baby’s size and weight-not too loose or too tight.
- Check your baby’s position and breathing frequently using the T.I.C.K.S. checklist:
- Tight: The carrier should be tight enough to hold your baby close to your body without any gaps or sagging.
- In view at all times: You should be able to see your baby’s face and nose at a glance without moving any fabric or adjusting the carrier.
- Close enough to kiss: Your baby’s head should be close enough to your chin that you can easily kiss their forehead or crown.
- Keep chin off the chest: Your baby’s chin should be lifted off their chest so that their airway is open and they can breathe easily.
- Supported back: Your baby’s back should be supported in a naturally curved position, not arched or bent.

How to choose a safe baby carrier?
There are so many types of baby carriers out there, it can be hard to decide which one to get. Wraps, slings, buckles, oh my! Depending on how they support your baby’s body and how easy you can use them, some of them are better for newborns than others. Here are some things to look for when choosing a safe baby carrier for your newborn:
- It should support your baby’s head, neck, spine, and hips in a natural and comfy position.
- You should always see your baby’s face and nose and keep them clear of any fabric.
- The carrier should hug your baby’s body and prevent them from slumping or flopping.
- It should be easy to put on and take off, and have secure fastenings that won’t break or slip.
- Make sure it is breathable and durable so that it won’t make your baby too hot or scratchy.
Some examples of safe baby carriers for newborns are wrap carriers, ring slings, and soft structured carriers that don’t need infant inserts. These carriers let you position your baby inward-facing, close to your chest, with their chin off their chest, knees higher than their bottom, and feet rotated to the outside.
Baby-wearing can be a wonderful experience for both you and your newborn. By choosing a safe baby carrier and using it correctly, you can enjoy the benefits of bonding, convenience, and nursing while keeping your baby secure and happy. Happy babywearing!